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Flower Patch Kid

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our newest entrepreneur of our family.

Little Miss Addie. She has grand goals for herself already.

She wants to be a Mommy Chef. Which is a mommy and a chef because you can be anything you want even if you are a mommy. Smart girl.

Last year she came with us a few times to the market, she loves to help set up, and if you thought I like to talk....wait till you meet her!

She is loving the garden at Gramma's and this year she asked to plant her own little garden patch. Of course we agreed. Next was what she wanted to grow. Her answer was quite simple. Sunflowers. Oh, and yellow squash for she likes it. Pretty simple demands I would say.

We have a few seed catalogues kicking around here, (surprised?) and she found them and started the picking seeds process. It actually was good for that to happen as we discovered some really beautiful flowers that she loves same as sunflowers, wave petunias lol.

As I have been shopping for seeds for our market garden, I have been adding a few here and there for the Addie Patch. Hey, that's a cute name for her little stand hahah. See is she approves.

So far we have the following seeds for her garden.

  1. Firecracker Sunflower

  2. Valentine Sunflower

  3. Yellow Zucchini

  4. Giant Pansy

  5. Teddy Bear Sunflower

  6. Cosmos

  7. Zinnia

  8. Bachelors Buttons

  9. Baby Carrots - for just her cuz she loooves them! lol

I am actually excited to see her take part in all of the process this year. She will learn about tending the garden as well as market practices. Some money learning as well. Don't fret, she will have a volunteer helping her with such things.

Crafting is another of her favorite things to do, so watch to see what else she will have for you to pair with your beautiful flower options.

When asked what she will do with the money she makes from the flower sales, her answer actually surprised us. She is going to buy more flower seeds! Now, she also really wants the Barbie Dream House, so we may convince her that she can pay herself some to get a wonderful gift for herself. And we will keep some aside for her future markets of course.

To say that she inspires me is quite the understatement. She is such a blessing, she makes my heart smile.

If you would like to donate some funds to Addie's venture, you can etransfer to with a description "For Flower Patch Kid" and we will get it to her for her to use for her business. She would like to raise the funds to build a beautiful flower stand. Thank you all!

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